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Cataloxy Wahroonga...Jobs in WahroongaCompany jobs HammondCare VolunteersPastoral Care Volunteers, HammondCare Lucinda Cottage, Wahroonga

Job Pastoral Care Volunteers, HammondCare Lucinda Cottage, Wahroonga

ID: 357646   0

Pastoral Care Volunteers, HammondCare Lucinda Cottage, Wahroonga, Wahroonga

Salary range: negotiable

Summary information

Position: Pastoral Care Volunteers, HammondCare Lucinda Cottage, Wahroonga
Published: 02/08/2025. Relevant to: 02/22/2025
Job type: contract
Gender: any
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

HammondCare is seeking pastoral care volunteers at our Northern Sydney based respite cottages.

Volunteers have an opportunity to support the spiritual and emotional needs of an elderly person visiting a HammondCare Respite Cottage. Lucinda Cottage offers a person living with dementia short-term overnight respite care in Sydney's North Shore, a home-like and comfortable environment.

As a pastoral care volunteer, you’ll be actively involved with a local Christian church.

You’ll supplement and complement the work of our Pastoral Care Coordinator, and under their direction you may:

- Support people to meet their spiritual needs
- Nurture spiritual development

Skills required for this role:

- High level of interpersonal skills including strong empathy and listening skills.
- Pastoral Care training for example Chaplaincy, Clinical Pastoral Education, or you could attend HammondCare pastoral care training- Spiritual Care Series, in preparation to becoming a pastoral care volunteer.


HammondCare is an independent Christian charity and we're passionate about improving the quality of life for people in need. We have a wonderful group of volunteers that partner with us to enhance the lives of people cared for by HammondCare.

Further information

For more information about volunteering at HammondCare, click the apply button below and our friendly Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator Dani will give you a call.

Requirements18 years or older • National Volunteer Police Check arranged and paid for by HammondCare

We would be happy to discuss your availability Monday to Sunday for 30 minutes to an hour.

About the company HammondCare Volunteers

Improving quality of life for people in need through Home Care, Residential Care, Palliative Care and Dementia Support. Details»

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